Premier Enterprises

Valley Beater

Beater roll made of heat treateable stainless steel
Diameter 193.8 mm & width 152.4 mm
Beater roll drum speed 500 rpm.
Width of the bed plate 159 mm.
Number of bed plate bars 7 bars, each 3.2 mm thick set in lead 2.4mm apart
with a brinell hardness 325-375
Bed Plate diaphgram Thickness of 1.6 mm live rubber.
Lever arm Casted with dead weight 5.5 Kgs.


The laboratory beater is made completely of stainless steel materials.The tub has a capacity of 25 L, which allows the beating of 360 g of pulp. The diameter of
the roll with 32 flybars is 194 mm and has a width of 152 mm.They are made of chromium steel with wooden spacers between them and set securely in lead.The
bed plate is sealed to the tub by a rubber membrane.The large one-piece splash cover on top of the tub ensures safe operation.
360 g pulp (o.d.) is torn into pieces of approx. 25 x 25 mm, soaked with water and disintegrated.Then it is diluted to 25 L.The laboratory beater is now started
without weight. After 3 minutes a sample is taken before the weight of 5.5 kg is placed on the bedplate lever arm and the beating process is started. Further
samples are taken after 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes (for bleached pulp); and after 5, 15, 30, 60, and 90 minutes (for unbleached pulp). Physical testing of
handsheets formed from this pulp helps predict the pulp’s performance.

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